Boast­ing over 30 Artists, cer­tain­ly lives up to its name! Hav­ing so many artists choic­es can be in­tim­i­dat­ing at first– with­out a sense of their style, you have to start by shoot­ing in the dark to see whose de­signs re­al­ly catch your eye.

With a more clas­si­cal feel and old­er in­ter­face, AllJu­daica gives the feel­ing of be­ing in your Un­cle’s or­tho­dox shul, though they do have a foot­note about their mod­ern and pro­gres­sive texts. Not all artists’ work ac­com­mo­date every text, so watch out if you have a cer­tain ver­sion in mind! Many of their de­signs do in­clude an Egal­i­tar­i­an gen­der neu­tral op­tion, which would be the best choice for two brides or grooms.

One thing Hei­di and I both loved is that feel­ing of cus­tomer ser­vice– many of the Ke­tubah pages men­tion that they’ll call to con­firm the or­der, which we thought was a re­al­ly nice touch! Many Ke­tubah sites al­so sell Benchers, Chup­pahs, or Glass (for break­ing), but All Ju­daica is much more than that! With a full stock of Ju­daica for every time of the year, their full of­fers (lots of Ke­tubot and lots of reg­u­lar Ju­daica) can’t be ri­valed! If you’re look­ing for huge se­lec­tion with a com­fort­able old­er site feel, this is a great site– just be pre­pared to click around a bit!