As lovers of all things cheese, wine and bread, Noah and I were su­per ex­cit­ed to find C’est une Ké­tou­ba — a web­site com­plete­ly in french for French Jew­ish cou­ples! Af­ter look­ing through their gor­geous de­signs (and de­ci­pher­ing what lit­tle we know of the French lan­guage), we found that this is­n’t a brand new artist, but a French ex­ten­sion of This is not a Ke­tubah — a col­lec­tive of artists that have been around for a lit­tle while… and we’ve re­viewed them!

C’est une Ké­tou­ba con­tains the same at­ten­tion to de­tail, gor­geous de­signs, and user friend­ly ex­pe­ri­ence as TINAK’s Eng­lish site. Af­ter a bit of search­ing, Noah and I could­n’t find any up to date French sites that had the same lay­out and in­for­ma­tion as C’est une Ké­tou­ba. Filled with tons of in­for­ma­tion and vary­ing styles, TINAK’s French site is the per­fect one-stop place for French Jew­ish cou­ples that want to find the per­fect Ke­tubah to fit their artis­tic style, lan­guage pref­er­ences, and gen­er­al Ke­tubah concerns.

From tra­di­tion­al and sim­ple to more mod­ern or com­plete­ly unique — C’est une Ké­tou­ba tru­ly has it all! We def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend tak­ing a look at their page if you are get­ting mar­ried in France or need to make a Ke­tubah or­der in French.