Sell­ing far more than just Ke­tubot Ju­daica Col­lec­tion of­fers many of the most com­mon Ke­tubah artists, as well as a few sur­pris­es that Noah and I loved! Un­like many sites which sim­ply have page af­ter page of Ke­tubot, Ju­daica Col­lec­tion has them sort­ed specif­i­cal­ly Artist with a gen­tle site de­sign and layout…we want­ed to keep click­ing! With­out see­ing the prices so ob­vi­ous­ly dis­played up­front, I re­al­ly liked the feel­ing of search­ing for art rather than search­ing for some­thing to fit my budget.

Maybe it was be­cause of the site lay­out, but both Noah and I felt like the Ke­tubot on Ju­daica Col­lec­tion were more col­or­ful and in­spired than av­er­age, and we loved it! With a va­ri­ety of gi­clee, laz­er-cut, lith­o­graph, and met­al op­tions, we re­al­ized that though oth­er sites might have these same op­tions, they were pre­sent­ed as clear­ly as friend­ly! With around 12 artists and 17 pages of Ke­tubah de­signs, the healthy mix of tra­di­tion­al Ke­tubot and more col­or­ful mod­ern de­sign was­n’t just re­fresh­ing, but easy to nav­i­gate. The or­der forms were easy to use, but each Ke­tubah de­sign is dif­fer­ent! Be sure to keep an eye out for or­der­ing op­tions: some Ke­tubot in­clude var­i­ous lan­guages, texts, and sizes while oth­ers charge sep­a­rate­ly for each option.

We es­pe­cial­ly liked the spe­cial but­ton and page ded­i­cat­ed to those Ke­tubot which could in­clude same-sex texts. There were plen­ty of op­tions for Gay and Les­bian cou­ples, as well as pro­gres­sive and egal­i­tar­i­an texts. We could look for hours!