Once Up­on A Pa­per is a pa­per com­pa­ny made up of var­i­ous gifts, art prints and ke­tubot made by artist Gene B. Liv­ing be­tween New York and Eu­rope with a back­ground in ar­chi­tec­ture, Gene has cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion of ke­tubot that are beau­ti­ful­ly sim­ple in de­sign, and pow­er­ful in meaning!

Once Up­on a Pa­per has both a web­site and an et­sy where Gene dis­plays and sells her art work. What re­al­ly stood out to us was the flex­i­bil­i­ty she of­fers for any­one look­ing to or­der a ke­tubah. She in­cludes free per­son­al­iza­tion of texts and col­ors, cus­tom lay­out of her de­signs and even a 10% re­fund for any cou­ple that shares pho­tos of the big day! She does­n’t pro­vide any texts, but does of­fer the op­tion to cou­ples to sub­mit any text they desire.

With clean lines and a nat­ur­al palette of col­ors, it is clear­ly ev­i­dent where Gene has tak­en her pas­sion for ar­chi­tec­ture and put it in­to cre­at­ing ke­tubot. Most of her ke­tubot ex­hib­it a sim­i­lar or­gan­ic theme like birds and trees. Noah and I both agreed that her col­lec­tion is ab­solute­ly won­der­ful, but we would love to see some variation.

Un­for­tu­nate­ly Once Up­on A Pa­per does­n’t have a very large se­lec­tion of ke­tubot. And for those who don’t quite know what goes in­to the ke­tubah de­sign­ing process (i.e. the right kind of text, what names to in­clude, how many wit­ness­es, etc.), her web­site does­n’t re­al­ly serve to ful­ly ex­plain these things. How­ev­er with bud­get friend­ly prices and tons of per­son­al­iza­tion flex­i­bil­i­ty, Once Up­on A Pa­per is per­fect for the cou­ple that al­ready knows ex­act­ly what they’re look­ing for!