Tal­lu­lah Ke­tubahs was found­ed by de­sign­er and painter Rachel Marks. Like many Ke­tubah artists, Rachel got her start in the world of Ke­tubahs af­ter cre­at­ing one for her own wed­ding! Her de­sire to cre­ate Ke­tubahs in a con­tem­po­rary and clean style is ev­i­dent in all her art pieces — a true tes­ti­mo­ny to her artis­tic skills.

Noah and I both no­ticed the same thing as soon as we checked out the Tal­lu­lah Ke­tubahs web­site — it’s easy to use in­ter­face and mod­ern style! There’s a ton of in­for­ma­tion on the or­der­ing process, ex­plain­ing each step and what the cus­tomiza­tion process re­quires. Rachel’s Ke­tubahs are print­ed on Gi­clee and con­tain a va­ri­ety of text op­tions. One thing I re­al­ly loved was that among the texts she of­fers, she men­tions same-sex, which un­for­tu­nate­ly can be a rare thing to see! Tal­lu­lah Ke­tubahs’ gallery is a bit small and does­n’t con­tain a huge va­ri­ety of de­signs, but among the Ke­tubahs she does have, her de­signs are stun­ning and con­tains tons of col­or and life.

From what we saw, Noah and I both were tru­ly im­pressed with the Tal­lu­lah Ke­tubahs web­site. We love the mod­ern feel to this web­site and think it makes a great ad­di­tion to the va­ri­ety of Ke­tubah styles to choose from. If you’re look­ing for some­thing with a per­son­al touch (and tons of col­or!), we def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend check­ing out Tal­lu­lah Ketubahs!