This Is Not a Ke­tubah, Yes it is! (al­so known as, “TINAK”) is a col­lec­tive based in New York and Buenos Aires which calls on the tal­ents of up-and-com­ing Jew­ish artists. Un­like any Ke­tubot we’ve seen be­fore, they did­n’t just say they were mod­ern, but the de­signs ac­tu­al­ly were mod­ern! Call­ing on such ‘mas­ters’ like Cha­gall, Rothko, and Gau­di, This Is Not a Ke­tubah’s team of artists pro­duce gor­geous mod­ern prints in sev­er­al size.

It seems that every time we vis­it the site, an­oth­er de­sign has ap­peared. They don’t boast more than about 60 de­signs, but each one seems more ex­cit­ing than al­most any­thing else we’ve seen! Even though we’re both Jew­ish, the In­ter­faith text seemed es­pe­cial­ly touch­ing. It’s nice to see that it is­n’t just an­oth­er op­tion on the list, but a mean­ing­ful op­tion for all types of couples!

If you’re look­ing for a com­plete­ly per­son­al touch to a Ke­tubah, they al­so of­fer “Com­mis­sioned Ke­tubot” which al­lows cou­ples to work with the col­lec­tive to cre­ate a unique de­sign that will be theirs for­ev­er. It might be a bit on the pricey side ($875), but it just might be the one thing from your Wed­ding Day you want to hang on the wall forever!