Art by Batya is a col­lec­tion of ke­tubot pieces cre­at­ed by Batya We­in­stock.  Her ke­tubot are cre­at­ed us­ing a va­ri­ety of medi­ums in­clud­ing wa­ter­col­or, oil and pa­per-cut.  Batya in­cludes not on­ly ke­tubot pieces on her web­site, but her oth­er art­work as well.  She even de­signs and cre­ates per­son­al­ized wed­ding invitations!

From the amount of web­sites Noah and I have re­viewed so far, we ab­solute­ly fell in love with the de­sign and lay­out of Batya’s web­site!  Un­like most tra­di­tion­al ke­tubah artists or com­pa­nies, it is very ev­i­dent that Batya took the time to de­sign and cre­ate a web­site that was easy to use and aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing.  Her ke­tubot are more on the tra­di­tion­al side, how­ev­er her com­bi­na­tion of pa­per-cut and vi­brant col­ors is some­thing unique and a re­fresh­ing take on a clas­sic art piece.

Batya did not have a ton of op­tions on her web­site, nor did she in­clude much in­for­ma­tion about prices or how to go about or­der­ing a ke­tubah.  How­ev­er, she does cre­ate com­mis­sioned ke­tubot for those who want to change, al­ter or re­quest to de­sign some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent.  She cre­ates her own text from the most tra­di­tion­al style to the most mod­ern. If you are in the process of buy­ing a more tra­di­tion­al and pa­per-cut ke­tubah, I would rec­om­mend stop­ping by Batya’s web­site.    The vi­brant col­ors and in­tri­cate de­sign make for a beau­ti­ful craft­ed art piece!