

Scrib­al Art

By |Jan­u­ary 15th, 2013|

Scrib­al Art is made up of na­tive Aus­tralian artist Nik­ki Green. With a ground­ed back­ground in He­brew and Jew­ish ed­u­ca­tion com­bined with a de­gree in Fine Arts, Nik­ki is re­al­ly the to­tal pack­age when cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful ke­tubot. Nikki’s web­site, much like her ke­tubot had a very bo­hemi­an-mo­roc­can feel […]

Su­san Leviton

By |Jan­u­ary 8th, 2013|

Su­san Levi­ton is a Jew­ish Cul­ture work­er who is in­volved in the world of arts and Yid­dish mu­sic. Years of hon­ing her skills has not on­ly led her to many per­son­al achieve­ments, but to a col­lec­tion of ke­tubot that re­al­ly show her tal­ent and at­ten­tion to col­or and […]

Wi­ley Valentine

By |De­cem­ber 13th, 2012|

Wi­ley Valen­tine is a pa­per com­pa­ny start­ed by graph­ic de­sign­ers Emi­ly and Rachelle. Through the in­spi­ra­tions of their own grand­moth­ers and their skilled ex­pe­ri­ence with de­sign and pa­per, they as­pire to cre­ate gor­geous works of pa­per art, while al­ways be­ing sen­si­tive to out plan­et. Their web­site is wonderful, […]

New World Ketubah

By |De­cem­ber 7th, 2012|

Not just ke­tubot, New World Ke­tubah al­so cre­ates wed­ding in­vi­ta­tions and sells var­i­ous oth­er wed­ding gifts. New World Ke­tubah sells ke­tubot from a few dif­fer­ent artists, but the own­er and main artist is Rachel Deitsch. The com­bi­na­tion of her ke­tubot along with the oth­er pieces work per­fect­ly as […]

Ke­tubah Is Forever

By |No­vem­ber 22nd, 2012|

Al­bert Hakakian is the amaz­ing artist be­hind Ke­tubah Is For­ev­er. His back­ground in il­lus­tra­tion and ar­chi­tec­ture is very ap­par­ent in the art­work he cre­ates. Hav­ing de­signed ke­tubot for many years, his unique style and artis­tic taste has def­i­nite­ly been per­fect­ed! His web­site has been very taste­ful­ly set up […]

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