

The Ke­tubah

By |No­vem­ber 15th, 2012|

The Ke­tubah is a col­lec­tion of art cre­at­ed by artist Stephanie Ca­plan. She start­ed mak­ing ke­tubot af­ter she made one for a friend as a wed­ding gift. From there Stephanie’s pas­sion for ke­tubot took off — it com­bined her love for art and Jew­ish cul­ture. Stephanie’s fo­cus is […]

A Stu­dio

By |No­vem­ber 1st, 2012|

An­na of A Stu­dio has been cre­at­ing art her whole life, how­ev­er she did­n’t start cre­at­ing ke­tubot and Ju­daica style art work un­til she met her hus­band and cre­at­ed a ke­tubot for her own wed­ding. Af­ter that she start­ed de­sign­ing ke­tubot for friends and fam­i­ly. Now she has […]

Jerise Ke­tubahs

By |Oc­to­ber 25th, 2012|

If there is one thing Noah and I con­tin­u­al­ly love about ke­tubot it’s the artists who take on the very dy­nam­ic and time con­sum­ing tech­nique of pa­per-cut. New York­er Jerise Fo­gel suc­cess­ful­ly at­tempts this method and in­te­grates unique im­agery and de­sign to make for an im­pres­sive col­lec­tion of […]

New Ke­tubah

By |Oc­to­ber 10th, 2012|

Graph­ic De­sign­er and artist Tsil­li Pines is the skill and craft be­hind all the beau­ti­ful art­work sold on New Ke­tubah. Tsil­li is an Is­raeli-Amer­i­can who lives and works in Port­land, Ore­gon. She start­ed cre­at­ing ke­tubot af­ter she made her very first one for her own wed­ding! Her website […]

Ur­ban Collective

By |Oc­to­ber 3rd, 2012|

Ur­ban Col­lec­tive are clas­sic style ke­tubot cre­at­ed by sis­ters Jen­nifer Raich­man & Wendy Hahn. Their com­mit­ment to sim­ple and time­less de­sign is ap­par­ent in their beau­ti­ful and or­gan­ic ke­tubot. We re­al­ly en­joyed go­ing through their page, it is ev­i­dent that they put thought and time in­to cre­at­ing a website […]

Fresh Ke­tubah

By |Sep­tem­ber 18th, 2012|

Hav­ing the per­fect ke­tubah cre­at­ed is a spe­cial and unique ex­pe­ri­ence.  This is a work of art that a cou­ple will have for years to come, some­thing that each time they look at it they feel re­freshed and filled with love and warmth.  Fresh Ke­tubah by Nao­mi Broudo, […]

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